Dishwasher VS Washing Machine – Which is more likely to be found in an Australian house?

What I find handy in Australia is that you can easily rent a property with furniture.  This is not very common in Japan but for those who want to stay longer than a few months but maybe less than a year, it is very convenient.

These properties are called “furnished” units, apartments or houses.

Just because it says furnished does not mean you get everything you need to live comfortably from day one.  It is important that you check what exactly the property is equipped with. You might also come across with “partly furnished” properties and when you do, make sure you are happy with what’s missing.

For example, some might have a couch, bed and even a dishwasher.  You would think, “Ah, this place looks like it’s got everything and more!” but you may realise there is no washing machine.

Now, for some Japanese it may be odd you have a dishwasher, which is rather a luxury item, but not a washing machine.  In Australia, a dishwasher is often built-in and more of a must have item in a kitchen, if the property is above a certain size. Of course in a property that is advertised as “furninshed”, you would expect washing machine or fridge to be there, but both of those appliances fall into the category of less “surprising”, compared to dishwasher, if you have to source them yourself.

Some owners also throw in their own old, but still usable furniture in their rental property and call it “furnished” so you would want to be careful not to expect “Vogue” styling.  Check how old electrical appliances are, and how functional they are.

While there might be a few check points to keep in mind, furnished house is a convenient way to live in Sydney.  Serviced apartments can be expensive, yet you may not want to buy all the furniture you need, particularly if you are only going to be relocated here for less than a year.  Renting a furnished house will also save you from the hustle of buying or hiring furniture.  So why don’t you google now and see what is available?





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(Below is post translation in Japanese)



食洗機 VS 洗濯機。 賃貸物件に備わっている可能性の高いのはどちら?


日本ではあまり一般的ではないけれど、オーストラリアで便利だな、と思うのは家具付きの家が手軽に借りられるのこと。 英語では"Furnished(ファーニッシュト)"と呼ばれる。


注意したいのは、家具付き、とあっても生活に必要なものが全て揃っているとは限らないこと。具体的に何があるのかチェックすることが大事だ。例えば、ソファーやベッドや食洗機はあるのに、洗濯機がなかったり。日本では決して必需品とは言えない食洗機だが、 一定のサイズを超えたオーストラリア家庭では台所に備え付けられている場合がほとんどなので、 あるのが当たり前。一方、もっと必需品にみえる洗濯機や冷蔵庫は意外にないところもある。


また、「一部家具付き(Partly Furnished)」なんていう表記もあるので、そんな場合は特に要チェックだ。物件によっては、大家さんが自分の家で使わなくなったような家具を入れてあるようなところもあるので、“ヴォーグ”なインテリアを期待していると裏切られるケースも。家電は特にある、なしだけでなく古さや機能もチェックポイントだ。

と、いくつか注意点はあれど、大金をかけずに引っ越してすぐに生活を始められるというのは大きなメリットだ。半年だけシドニーに住みたい、でもホテルやサービス・アパートメントだと高くつくし、かといって家具を全て揃えるのは…。 そんな人にこの家具付き物件をぜひお勧めしたい。シドニーに短期移住をお考えの方、早速グーグルで“Furnished Properties”を検索してみては?








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